You must follow instructions completely or we cannot guarantee results.
Must also follow up with provider as directed
For any questions, please text or call (602) 717-0226
- No ice on injection site
- May take Arnica for any swelling or bruising; and IBUPROFIN for swelling and pain
- Try to sleep Face Up
- Follow up with Mari 2 to 3 weeks if needed
- (can last 6 to 24 months)
- Do not lay down for 2 hours
- No ice
- No compression
- Temporary Side-Effect: Red dots that may last up to 2 weeks
- No exercise or hats for 2 days
- Follow up with Mari 2 to 3 weeks if needed
Plasma Pen
- Keep Dry (Do NOT cool/Do not use Aquaphor)
- Take Arnica and Tylenol as needed (no Ibuprofen or aspirin)
- Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser and pat until completely dry
- As long as the scabs are present, use Subnovi Aftercare Cream and Powder for any excess moisture
- No makeup/Sauna/exercising for 3 to 5 days; use only mineral-based powder foundation after
- Do not use any other skincare within 10 days unless directed by Fresh Start Aesthetics
- Avoid direct sun exposure for up to 3 months post treatment
- Wear your hat and Sunscreen
- Do not remove scabs; No exfoliation or retinol products for 10 days post-treatment
- General Expectations:
- 3 to 5 days of redness/crusting (social downtime)
- Day of Treatment:
- Use Biocellulose Mask to reduce redness
- Ice packs to calm heat
- Gauze moistened in a solution of distilled vinegar and water (one tablespoon vinegar per one cup water) 3 to 5 times per day for comfort and to keep the area clean
- Re-apply Aquaphor
- Day following Treatment:
- Gently wash treated area with Gentle Antioxidant Cleanser and Lukewarm water both morning and night
- Use SPF 30 or more is mandatory days following
- Apply aquaphor as needed to keep skin moist
Vivace, Morpheus8 and Microneedling
- Use Biocellulose mask to reduce redness
- Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser
- No makeup/sauna/exercising for 24 hours unless directed by Fresh Start Aesthetics
- Avoid all sun exposure for up to 3 days post treatment
- Wear you har and sunscreen
- No exfoliation or retinol products for 7 to 10 days post-treatment
FaceTite/ Accutite
- Treatment areas will have dressing and/ or pressure garment to be removed 48 hours. According to the Physicians instructions. Wear the garment in the evening and while sleeping for at least two weeks or until swelling subsides. The garment ideally should be worn for 12 hours per day for the first two weeks.
- Wound care: Let soapy water wash over the incision site (do not scrub) then apply antibiotic ointment (Bacitacin) to the incision points twice daily for one week while the skin is healing after the initially removing the pressure garment. Tiny scabs may appear during the healing process. Please do not do pick at the scabs.
- Cleanse the treatment areas gently with mild soap such as Cetaphil or Cerave and water after 48 hours. Avoid drying or irritating facial products including Retinoal and acids (Salicylic or Glycolic) for 3 weeks after the procedure. Do not rub or irritate the area.
- Although these effects are rare and temporary, redness and swelling may last up to 3 weeks and are a part of a normal reaction. Bruises occur in for some people and last 1 to 2 weeks and are a normal reaction to the treatment. Some patients report burning sensation, tingling or a tightening sensation in the treatment area for up to 3 months.
- Limit physical activity and exposure to excessive heat (including fires) and UV light for 2 weeks.
- For facial and neck procedures: Sleep on serval pillows or in s recliner to keep your head elevated for at least two to three days to help minimize swelling. Minimize talking and chewing for 48 hours. We recommend following a soft diet for the first 48 hours.
- Makeup may be applied as soon as 72 hours after the procedure to cover any redness or bruising. Aviod the incision points that may be healing.
- If treatment was done on the face or neck, facial shaving should only be done with an electric razor for the first week.
- Burns and changes in pigmentation are rare although may occur. If you notice small white bumps, that may take a few weeks to resolve.
- Only take prescribed pain medication or Tylenol for pain relief (not both) after you procedure, unless instructed otherwise. Other pain relievers such as Aspirin or NSAIDS (ie, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, etc.) can thin the blood and cause bleeding or bruising. The only exception to this rule is if your primary care doctor has prescribed you to take a daily Aspirin, NSAID, or other blood thinner.
- Do not drink alcohol for several days as instructed by the doctor after procedure. Drinking alcohol can negatively affect healing and can cause thinning of the blood, bleeding, crusting and/or bruising.
- Remember, although the skin has initially healed, it takes 3-6 months before any changes in skin tightening can be perceived and twelve months before final results in skin tightening can be appreciated.
- If you experience any questions or experience fever, chills, drainage, discharge, or extreme discomfort, please contact us during normal business hours (M-S 9am-5pm) 602-717-0226 . If after hours please call the emergency hotline.